Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Teaching History

Hi, my name is Alma Elia I was born in Anchorage, Alaska. I graduated from the St. Mary’s Catholic Mission at Saint Mary’s, Alaska. I received my Bachelors in Education with a minor in Social Studies from the University of Alaska Anchorage and an Associates in Applied Science.

I am taking classes from the University of Alaska Sitka, to attain my Masters in Educational Technology. I have been teaching seventh through twelfth grade social studies classes for the Saint Mary’s School District for thirteen years. This year I am teaching Alaska History, United States History, Government, Economics and a Cooking/Sewing Class. My students seem more involved when they get to use technology in my classes. I enjoy teaching with a writing emphasis using “Step Up to Writing”. I usually have the students take notes and then write a paragraph. Currently for Alaskan Studies the students are working on a PowerPoint to make a slide show of local pictures and explaining the “Five Themes of Geography”. I have taught Web classes with a lot of guidance from other teachers. I have built annuals using the computer. I use “Google Earth” to show students information on Geography. Right now the extent of my technology goes toward student writing. I am excited about the class I am taking "Digital Storytelling". I hope to understand the role and responsibilities I have as a teacher and be able to learn more about digital storytelling so that my students can learn more and teach others about what they are learning in school.


At April 4, 2009 at 6:30 PM , Blogger gtwbuddy said...

Most awesome! teaching out in the rural areas of Alaska to a group of people who are up and coming into the age of technology. I can only imagine what your students will say to you when you see them all grown up, developed, ready for the world. Thirteen yrs is a long time to be committed to your calling in such a distant rural area. Your students are lucky to have you, and you are blessed with teaching and passing on your ethic of learning as well as your patience,understanding and knowledge of world history, and applied science. Awesome, keep up the good work. God Bless GTW 040409

At April 6, 2009 at 6:46 PM , Blogger Dee-dee said...

Alma your blog is very very cool~ you have quite the resume' and I admire your accomplishments. You have very much to share with the years of experience you have taught and I am sure you have learned a thing or two from your students as well. Your blog is very educational and interesting, I know how much work it takes to make something like that and I admire your work because I get confused just trying to do a slide show. You have sold yourself to me if I ever had to go looking for a geography teacher I would probably try to snatch you up in a heart beat. Our school is very lucky to have you and our kids know how lucky they are to have you as well because they not only have someone who has lived the subsistence life that she is teaching but can talk her talk about subsistence life and how important it is for survival. Congratulations on earning your masters degree, what an honorable title. I do admire your accomplishments. Good luck in your ever more challenges life has out there for you to grasp.
Your sista, Dee~dee Take care Alma!

At April 6, 2009 at 9:34 PM , Blogger Ravenwood said...

Hey Alma! So great to see your project and your outlook on life and teaching. St. Mary's will always have a very special place in our hearts and we miss all our friends from that great year, especially the salmon and dancing:) We just showed our five year old son a video of us dancing and our apartment. He was amazed and very curious about life there. Keep up the great work and please give anyone who cares a big hello from the Holmquists!



At April 9, 2009 at 2:00 PM , Blogger Freshwater Gallery said...

Hi Alma~

Nice blog. Wanna give me some dry fish?? Here: Link your blog to our artblog: http://arcticgallery.blogspot.com


At April 18, 2009 at 2:23 PM , Blogger Theresa B said...

Alma! Alma! Alma! What fun! In about 8 minutes you made me want to become a quilter and a blogger. Holy Cow! I especially liked the part when the "Trouble" song started and we got to see the students. I also thought the narration was very crisp, professional and well-organized. The background music you chose did not interfere with the narration at all. You sure brought back fond memories of teaching great kids in KSM. You can just tell the students were happy, engaged and grew in competence and confidence. Real world problem solving! Way to go, teach! I look forward to more! Quayana and Gracias, Amiga!


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