Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Educational Philosophy

I am taking a class called "Digital Storytelling" and this is a an assignment that I made about my educational philosophy. I made the short video using i-movie on an Apple computer and used my pictures from i-Photo. I didn't have any video at the time and had a lot of pictures of students, some were outside shots of students when we went on cultural relevant trips and others taken from my cooking class.  It was a challenge to learn how to use the i-movies software program.  The whole project of putting the movie together was challenging. I had to learn how to import pictures, music, and then I had to limit the timing of the piece. It was a little frustrating at first, but once you learn the basics it becomes easy. I just had to learn how to manipulate the program to produce my movie. I enjoyed making this video and just used pictures to complete the assignment and I am excited to take the process of making a short i-movie into my classroom.

I know the students will like making projects like this in school. I already see them using it other classes. So it wouldn't be hard for me to incorporate my students using this program.  I could use it in my Geography class and have them do a report on a country and have them get pictures and music from the internet. For my History classes they could make a movie about a time in history and tell it from their own perspective.  The idea's for using i-movie are definitely endless.  I also learned that the time limit an important aspect of making these movies. At first I thought that the time was too limiting, but a lot of information can fit into just one minute.


At April 9, 2009 at 2:20 PM , Blogger Miss Ava said...

Your slideshow rocks! You are truly an awesome teacher and great inspiration~

At April 9, 2009 at 10:06 PM , Blogger AlmaE said...

Wow, thanks Ava, you are too kind. We should take some classes together this winter eh!

At April 12, 2009 at 6:17 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At April 12, 2009 at 6:19 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Alma I was impressed by your video. The quilts show so much talent. It is so wonderful that you are able to pass along your passion to your students. I look forward to seeing more videos.

At April 18, 2009 at 2:33 PM , Blogger Theresa B said...

Hey! You have given me a great idea. I only have my ed philosphy written down, but this really makes it come alive! Wow! The other thing I want to mention is how eerily similar our thoughts are. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, so I'm probably gonna copy this "digital idea." And since I think you might appreciate it, I've included my text for you here which I did not alter one iota after watching your movie. Let me know what you think? Are we on the same page or what? Personal Education Philosophy

"My personal philosophy of education is based on the premise that students learn best when they feel confident, safe and valued as individuals. I believe that when instruction is relevant to a student’s own needs and experiences, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated to learn and progress. Therefore, my role as an educator involves creating an environment that promotes personal well-being and providing learning opportunities that students find interesting so that standards can be met while students gain experience and confidence as thinkers and citizens."

Eerily similar or what? You be the judge. Only thing now is mine sounds dry and boring while yours has zip and pizzazz! Yes, I said pizzazz. OK--- keep up the good work, friend.


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